Attached is cute kids 1999 a summary of the kids antics for the year.
Y2K project is going OK so far. One minor glitch, a subsystem is stamping
documents with MM/DD/1920 Looks like someone is trying to cram a
4 digit date into a 2 digit date field that has '19' prepended onto
it. Anyway, that is the only 'gotcha' so far.
Vanessa got to start against Stivers. They are a pretty poor team,
that we beat handily 43 to 20. Vanessa has yet to score a point.
Her hip is giving her problems again. X-rays show that her growth
plates on the top of her hips haven't fused yet. She hasn't hardly
grown in the last year. Doctors say it is just a manner of time
until they fuse. They play Tri-County North on Thursday. Tom Steck,
a former classmate of mine, is coaching their team. Vanessa's boyfriend,
Mark, broke up with her so she was in a grouchy mood this weekend.
Car that Chad worked 2 jobs to pay off. |
Chelsea has 2 games this weekend. One against an undefeated
Brookville - should be a barnburner.
Joe said that it was his best christmas ever. He is really enjoying the
Rollercoaster Tycoon pc game we got for him. It was a good investment.
We have been playing Starcraft head to head on our 2 pc's.
Chad is putting another engine in his pickup truck. Still has a ways
to go. Has a new girl that he is seeing, she is 16. She called several
times this weekend, so she is serious anyway.
Becky and I will be celebrating our anniversary this weekend. 21 years...
Jan 6 Children are on an extended winter break. 10 inches of snow over the weekend. All the schools
have been closed since Monday. Christmas was good this year. Joe got a hotwheels volcano
race set, XV racers, numerous hotwheels tool set.. Chelsea got clothing, porcelein doll. Chad and
Vanessa got mainly clothing. Got a used street fighter game for the super ninintendo. It
has got the most use of any of the gifts. That was $10 well spent.
Jan.7 Still no school. Chad got tractor running and scraped away some of the snow. Called in sick to
work, but still found time to go running around this pm. Vanessa's ankle is still giving her
problems. It was injured like the first game and still isn't completely healed. We are worried
about track season. Chelsea has practice tonight & a game on Friday. Joe has practice on Sat.
It keeps them busy. Chelsea and Joe helped me get a pickup truck load of hay yesterday. They
were able to slide on the crust of ice on top of the snow and Chelsea was able to scoot some of
the hay across the ice.
Jan. 12 School is still out. Chad helped me get some firewood and hay over the weekend. Chelsea went
to Desma's today for girl scouts - time to sell cookies. Vanessa's ankle is still in bad shape
so we may take her to a sports medicine clinic to be checked out. Saw Alien III last night on
video tape & Joe said that he never wanted to go into space - he covered his eyes during the
scary parts.
Feb. 2 The telephone situation is only going to get worse. The phone rang and we had the usual mad
scramble for the phone. Joe was by the computer and answered. Chad was tapping his foot
impatiently, "Well who's it for, Joe?" "It's for me", answered Joe smugly and he proceeded
to talk to a girl from down the road, Jessica. Joe played some good defense last Saturday
at the YMCA, got a couple of good rebounds and made some good bounce passes. Vanessa
now has a weight bench to use to stay in shape. She is still playing great defense, so-so
offense. Chelsea is getting some points, but is also playing great defense. Chad is going
to be measured for a cap and gown in a few weeks. He is thinking about looking for another
job at another dealership. Slemkers isn't willing to participate in the GM program at
Sinclair + they are still paying him minimum wage...
Feb. 17 Had a good surprise for Joe's birthday. We told him we were going to McDonalds. Then after
we left, we headed to Hara Arena for a Monster Truck Show & Bad Boys of Wrestling. Joe
really had a good time. Vanessa is on the tourney team - next week is the state tourney.
Chad had his stomach scoped - no obvious problems found. Chelsea scored 8 points at her
last game. Vanessa and Steve are on the rocks. Oh, Vanessa is doing interesting experiments
in Chemistry class. Apparently they dropped a substance on the floor and it ate a hole in it.
So far she hasn't lost any fingers.
Feb. 24 Vanessa got to play with the Varsity in the last two minutes of the tournament game against Jackson
Center. She did OK, got off a shot, but it wouldn't drop. They lost the game, but it was nice
to see Vanessa get to play. Chelsea had a good game against Carlisle last week. She had 10
points, 5 rebounds, and 6 steals. Joe got frustrated at his last game. He missed two foul shots.
Told him to wait until next year when he is bigger, then he will do better. Chad coaxed me into
taking him and Joe to the Monster Truck show at the Nutter Center this Saturday - better buy
some ear plugs.
Feb. 28 Vanessa went to a 'tune up' meet in Cincinnati. She ran a 2:34 800m - not bad for not doing any
distance work. Vanessa also got a '87 Dodge Dynasty. It is a very clean car with a transmission
problem. Chad thinks that he can fix it, if so it will be a real bargain.
Mar. 8 Vanessa ran at an indoor meet at Cedarville College. She ran 1600 meters in 6:09.
Put down a downpayment on a tuxedo for the prom for Chad. It is going to cost around $80.
Chelsea has AAU basketball tryouts tonight, she is looking forward to them. Joe made an
interesting paper airplane. It has a fusilage, nose, wings, and rudder. He says it is
the space shuttle. Hey and it flys fairly well too.
Mar. 30 Vanessa ran at the preble county kickoff. They did not score the meet,it was a warmup meet.
She was first in the mile, first in her heat in the hurdles, and the 4 X 400m relay got 1st.
Chelsea's AAU has started. Practice is going full bore this week. Everyone is home on
spring break. Vanessa is taking her drivers ed class this week. Soon we will have 2
teenagers driving. Chad is getting ready to junk out some old vehicles.
Mar. 31 Chad is going to a state competition. He and a friend were one of the top 15 teams in
Ohio for automobile troubleshooting. They are headed up to Cleveland for a state competition.
MVCTC is receiving a brand new Ford motor for the school to use. Good luck to the gearheads!
Apr. 6 Vanessa ran a 17.65 in the 100m hurdles. A 2:34 split in the 800m X 4 relay.
Apr. 12 Chad had a rough go of it at the MVCTC prom. Melissa was upset because she had broken up
with her boyfriend. Chad finally got fed up with her being so glum - left her at the prom
and took off with Matt. Vanessa did OK at the Anna Invitational. She hurt her knee on the
hurdles and got no points. But managed a 3rd in the mile (5:53) & a 5th in the 800m 2:40 -
a bit slow in the 800, but her knee was getting sore at that point. Chelsea played paintball
with us this weekend, she is improving as a player.
Apr. 26 Chelsea had a good weekend at basketball, got at least 6 points that I remember. Vanessa got
a 1st in the the 800m run(2:32) and 2nd in the mile (5:45) at the Eaton Invitational.
Apr. 28 Vanessa had a great performance at the county meet. She got 5th in hurdles, 1st in 800m & 1600m,
and most importantly got 3rd in the 2 mile run, which helped score enough points to win the
Preble County for South!
May 03 Chad got 11th place at the state competition for Automotive trouble shooting. When he got back,
he went to the South prom and had a good time. Chelsea went to COSI in Columbus. Vanessa
had a so-so performance at West Milton. 2:32 or so in the 800m; 5:45 in the 1600m. Joe got
a card from his girlfriend, Jessica.
May 10 Vanessa went to her first prom with Mark. She looked sharp. Vanessa had to drive and on the
way home, they got lost. Stopped at a gas station and about 15 minutes later they ended back
at the same station. Finally found their way home and it was a good time all in all. Chelsea's
team was 1-3 over the weekend. She played fairly well overall. Chad mowed grass at grandpa
Jack's house. We ordered graduation announcements for him today. Joe made a nice Mother's
day present at school - a key chain with his picture.
May 23 Vanessa has a had an injury to the growth plate of her hip. It was painful enough that it
slowed her down for track. So this season is ending early. Hopefully, it will heal OK over
the summer.
June 7 Chad graduated last week. Smoked his first cigar at Jason Hora's graduation party.
Seemed to be in good spirits last weekend. Today he starts work at a Buick Dealership
in Middletown. Chelsea's basketball season is over. She played pretty well over all.
I think that her shot is starting to come around. Vanessa is playing softball. Her team
won 19-13 in their first game.
June 13 Chelsea had a slumber party over the weekend. Things got a little of hand when the adults
went to sleep. The girls got back up and Jessica decided to get the fire going again to
make smore's. She used rubbing alcohol, motor oil, etc. in the fire. It will be a long
time before Jessica is invited back over. I wonder what the smore's tasted like. Joe stayed
over at Bradleys house + got to see a demolition derby. He had fun at the demolition derby,
but did not have fun at Bradley's.
June 22 Chad took his Dodge to the drag strip in Hamilton. He made two runs and after the second run,
he tore up his rearend - what an expensive hobby. Vanessa's softball team had a good first game,
but have really gone south since then. They have lost 3 in a row and got run ruled at least once.
Chelsea is having a blast at basketball camp. She has gone thru all her spending money and tried to
coerce me to send more. The other day Chelsea and Vanessa were standing in their sock feet and
Chelsea is only an inch or so shorter... Joe has been building small forts and a homemade bow and arrow.
He is tired of watching TV and playing video games, we are not even out of June yet - Summer vacation
is just getting started.
July 8 Vanessa is getting fitted for a dress. She is going to be Maid of Honor at Jeanies wedding.
Went to Juniors for the 4th of July. Nice fireworks display, the youngsters had fun riding
4 wheelers. No one lost any fingers so it was a successful 4th. Vanessa's softball team is
doing better, they are around .500 right now. She goes to Cross Country camp next week, hopefully
the softball has not aggrevated her hip injury. Joe had fun at the YMCA basketball camp.
July 12 Dropped off Vanessa at Cross Country camp. She is excited about attending. Chelsea won two
trophies at basketball camp. She shot a ground hog with a pellet gun and it took several shots
but she was able to kill it. Another Annie Oakley I guess.
Aug 23 Had a good time at vacation. Broke down just once this year - Chad had to put a fan belt on.
Chelsea and Joe went with me to visit the aircraft carrier in Charleston. We all had fun riding
the waves. Vanessa was in Jeanies wedding. It went very nicely.
Aug. 30 The family went to Amber Skiles Wedding. Had a good time at the reception. Joe fell down
and chipped a tooth. He didn't want to leave, so we stayed and danced the night away.
Vanessa is doing physical therapy for her hip still. Her first meet is this week.
Had to put a new radiator & also fix the heater in Vanessa's car.
Sep. 13 Vanessa had a good run on Saturday. Still having problems with her hip, but is getting decent times.
Chelsea stayed overnight with Allison Johnson. They did each others hair at her mothers beauty shop.
Chad is getting ready for Sinclair - job one is getting a working alarm clock. Joe is signed up
for NFL ultimate football at the YMCA, he is anxious to play.
Sep. 16 Joe got a note sent home from the principal - he popped a kid in the eye. They were scuffling over who
was in line first. Discussed this with Joe on the way to cub scouts. Toward the end of our conversation
Joe told me that when he has kids - he hopes that they do not get in as much trouble as he does...
Vanessa ran well at Preble Shawnee.
Sep. 22 Vanessa got 4th at league meet & 4th at National Trail Invitational
Sep. 29 Becky had an interesting situation in Miamisburg. She was pulled over in the van by the police.
Seems that someone called on their cell phone and reported that someone was throwing stuff
out of her van. Further investigation found that Joe was the culprit. He had been throwing
buckeyes out of the side window. The cop gave Joe a good talking to, and sent them on their way.
Chelsea is pushing to play the saxophone for band. The transmission on Vanessa's car is shot,
am going to buy her another one.
Oct. 28 Grandpa Freedman died earlier in the month. At the memorial service some balloons from a celebration
earlier in the morning descended from the ceiling. One landed in front of Uncle Vaughn and one
landed in front of Joe. One Joe saying goodbye to another. Vanessa had another poor finish at the
district meet. She got the dry heaves during the final mile and finished 21st. Basketball
conditioning has started. Bought Chelsea a saxophone. She has been practicing - much to the
chagrin of the rest of the household. Joe has been playing ultimate football and doing OK.
Chad finished first session at Sinclair, he is back to working full time. So he will have some
extra cash now. He is really getting into the internet - because a girl that he met at
Burger King is... May have to get another phone line if this keeps up. Bought Vanessa a
Nov. 5 Joe has been sent to the principals office 4 times this year. One more time and he will not be
able to go to camp Kern. Joe's Ultimate football season ended. He did OK, did a fine job of passing and throwing. Vanessa was honored by getting first team all county and first team all conference for Cross Country. Chelsea is working hard at basketball. Games start next month. The Country Cafe has
been calling in Chelsea the last few Sundays to help with dishes. Somehow I think that they are
violating child labor laws, but Chelsea enjoys the extra cash. Last Sunday she cleared more than
Vanessa. Chad is working 2 jobs to pay off the '57 Buick he is buying. Don't know how he is going to keep it up. He wants me to co-sign a loan for him. I am reluctant to do so, but I don't want
him to fall asleep at the wheel either.
Nov. 23 Chad had all 4 of his wisdom teeth pulled at the same time. He was still a woozy from all the medication.
He was saying how he was going to stop taking the pain killers, he was forgetting where he put things, felt like he was in a fog, and couldn't concentrate. Chelsea said, "Now you see how it's like in my shoes!"
Anyway Chad seems to be recovering faster than what we thought he would, maybe he won't have to eat his turkey thru a straw after all. Vanessa's team has had 3 scrimmages. They did not look as sharp as they should, it may be a long season. Took Chelsea and Joe to see Pokey Mon, the movie. They had a good time.
Dec. 10 The Varsity girls have gotten off to a so-so start. They are 1-2. Vanessa has gotten some playing time, but hasn't scored a point. Chelsea's team is 1-0, she scored about 10 points. Joe is having fun with cub scouts. They practiced for the Klondike Derby that is coming up. One contest was to use a huge rubber sling to shoot water balloons at a wheel barrow about 100 feet away. He hit it once on the bounce and another time it landed close and sprayed it. Not bad when some of the other fellows couldn't pull it back far enough to get the water balloon out that far. Joe's boat didn't do too well at the raingutter regatta, he was mad about it.
Dec.15 Joe helped make a dirt cake last night for the cub scouts charity auction. He was excited about making his first 'cake'. He wanted to know when we were going to add eggs and put it in the oven - had to explain that it wasn't that kind of cake. Chelsea has scored 26 points in her first 3 games. The team is 2-1, the one loss was by 2 points. Vanessa' hip is giving her some pain - hope we don't have to go thru all the physical therapy again. Chad took Joe to his first practice at the YMCA. The boys had some time to kill so they played some arcade games, then Chad took him out to eat at the Jug in Middletown. They had a good time together - despite the difference in ages (19 and 7).
Dec. 20 Chelsea won a drawing that the DARE program had. She won a $125 shopping spree at Kmart in Eaton.
She got some stuff for herself, but was nice enough to get presents for her sister and brothers.
Varsity girls are 3-3 going into the Holiday Tournament. Chad got an engine from Slemckers for the
pickup truck. Vanessa has an appointment with a doctor in Cincinnati about her hip.