Thursday, May 30, 2024

Graduation Letter to Elaina Deeter


Congrats upon your graduation. You are the first of the first – the first child in your family and the 1st grandchild. I remember when you were born. We got a call that you were on the way and we drove to Louisville in the dark of night. There were flashes of lightening and rumbles of thunder in the hills of Kentucky as we made our way to the hospital. We were all overjoyed to finally see you that morning. It was quite an entrance to the world.

I understand that you plan to major in astrophysics and go work at NASA. I would remain flexible with both of those options. Keep an open mind as you take classes, you could find another area of interest that excites you even more. And I would bet that SpaceX will make it to Mars before NASA, so they could be the more exciting employer – particularly with Elon Musk at the helm.

One area where you must remain steadfast is your decision to go to Ohio State. With the recent decision of the ncaa to pay athletes, they need your money to pay for that football team. Sacrifices are needed to keep those athletes happy.

It has been a long, dreary slog to get through school. I am sure that you are happy to have this phase of your life in the rearview mirror. New adventures, new experiences, new friends await. I recall your mother saying that you are leaving the Buccs to become a Buckeye!

Now it is time for advice. To quote Shakespeare – neither a borrower nor a lender be. People have a habit of not paying you back. And credit cards are so easy to use, but so hard to pay off. Be cautious of rich kids, they have nothing to lose. My 1st roommate had rich parents. He stayed up all night and had a good time. Did not study at all. He flunked out of course, but then there was no repercussions for failure – his parents could take care of him. Most of us do not have that luxury.

Well I have rambled on for long enough. Enjoy this day as you have earned it after 12 years of drudgery. More importantly there is money enclosed – spend it as you wish!

The Grandparents Tilton

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