Thursday, May 30, 2024

Graduation Letter to Gabe Bieker


Congratulations – you did it, you graduated. It was 12 long years of the grind – wearing upon the mind and soul. Hopefully the experience did not scar you too much. And the lessons that were learned - if you are lucky maybe 10% of that you will be able to put to practical use. A lot of drudgery for so little reward. But yet you got your certificate, so that is an accomplishment.

I have not heard if you plan to pursue your education beyond high school. If you do not, I could almost see why based upon the experience that most people have in their first 12 years of school. But there is something to be said about having some sort of certificate or degree. That will put your resume to the top of the stack when you apply to jobs.

And education at the next level is different. People want to be there, in high school the majority of students are there because they have to be. But at a college or trade school, students want to be there and they are paying money to do so. They are not just putting in time, they actually want to learn. So you will be around motivated people who are actually paying attention (and tuition).

Here is some more boring advice -so try to stay awake. Keep an open mind with your career. People make changes all the time until they find their groove. Your 20's are your ramp onto the highway. Try a career or 2 or 3. You are young enough to try and fail, or start all over again from the bottom rung if need be. But by the time you are in your 30's you should be on the highway of your chosen career. This will be your peak earning years as you get into your 40's and 50's.

Ok, enough of this drivel – more importantly there is money enclosed. So spend this as you will – have fun, enjoy the freedom while you can!

Your Great Uncle and Great Aunt Tilton

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